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Alli in Bracknell, UK looking for other local sketchcrawlers

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:05 pm
by allinwards
Hi there,

I'm Alli - I live in Bracknell, Berkshire, England with my hubby and two little kids - Jonathan 5 and Marianne 3. I have been developing my passion for art over the last 8 years - and getting increasingly serious! I've just completed my last assignment for the Children's Illustration course with London Art College (correspondence course) and am waiting to see if I've qualified to get my diploma! Have heard about sketchcrawls through another student run by Children's Illustrator Lynne Chapman - though these are done in Sheffield - not exactly my doorstep.

Sooooo ... having been directed to this website by Lynne, I thought I'd see if there's any slightly more local sketchcrawlers near me. I tend to draw everywhere - really! So long as there's long enough to get my pen and sketchbook out of my bag, I'm sketching. Had a fab day in Hampton Court yesterday and will post those images when I get a chance.

But yeah - just looking for folk to sketchcrawl with - so anyone wanting to make their group bigger or start a berkshire sketchcrawl - please let me know. I'm also up for travelling to Oxford (saw a sketchcrawler there) and London - so do give me a shout!

Alli :thumbup: