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VANNES, France

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:54 pm
by guillaume

It's Guillaume from Blois.
I will be in vacation in britanny for the 28th sketchcrawl, so I decided to send this invitation for people who will be around Vannes and would like to join me.
A special Guest Star will join me this day, Olve from Oslo sketchcrawl, coming specialy from Paris where he will spend vacation time.
I propose to meet at the "place gambetta" in front of the port at 14:00 with sketchbook in the hand (easier to recognise us in the middle of tourist :D )
So, it's going to be fun.

et en francais:


c'est Guillaume de Blois.
Je serai en vacances en Bretagne pour le 28e sketchcrawl, alors j'ai décidé de lancer cette invitation pour quiconque serait interessé de se joindre a moi.
Un invité de marque sera présent durant cette journée, Olve du sketchcrawl d'Oslo, venant spécialement de Paris ou il passera quelques jours de vacances.
je propose que l'on se retrouve a la place gambetta en face du port à 14:00, le carnet de croquis en main (afin de s'identifier plus facilement au milieu des touriste :D )
Ca va etre super!

Re: VANNES, France

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:36 pm
by Olve
I'm really looking forward to spend the week and another SketchCrawl with you both again!
It's going to be great to sketch in your country for a chance (and not the other way around which we're used to). :)