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Hendaia (Lapurdi) Euskal Herria

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:07 pm
by Gorka Velasco
Hendaia (Lapurdi) Euskal Herria
2019 - 01 - 26
Euskalherria´s SketchCrawl taldeak gonbidapena luzatzen dizue 62th World Wide #SketchCrawl|aren deialdian gurekin Hendaian (Lapurdi) elkartzeko.
10:00etan elkartuko gara....
Á l'occasion du 62ème sketchcrawl, samedi 26 janvier, le groupe Euskalherria´s SketchCrawl vous propose de dessiner à Hendaye
Rendez vous à 10:00 h. .....
For the 62th sketchcrawl, on January the 26th, the Euskalherria's SketchCrawl group invites you to draw in Hendaye .
We'll meet at 10:00.....
El grupo de Euskalherria's SketchCrawl os invita a dibujar con nosotros en las calles de Hendaia (Lapurdi) para celebrar el 62 SketchCrawl.
Nos encontramos a las 10:00...
