Fredericksburg, VA, USA

Saturday April 23rd, 2016

Moderators: Gerald, PaintMonster

Paula R
Newbie Crawler
Newbie Crawler
Posts: 24
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:05 am

Fredericksburg, VA, USA

Post by Paula R »

Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce there will be a sketchcrawl on Saturday, April 23 in Historic downtown Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA! We will meet at Eileen's Bakery on Caroline Street (near the library) at 9:00 a.m. and plan our day. Eileen loves sketchers so she welcomes us to meet, sketch, eat pastry, and drink coffee. As most of you know, downtown Fredericksburg is a treasuretrove of sketching opportunities so come for the whole day or any part of it. We will decide where to meet up for lunch (perhaps back at Eileen's?) and share our work. Everyone is welcome--all ages--so come and join us.
Paula Raudenbush

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