Paris, France

Saturday April 25th, 2015
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Paris, France

Post by oludotunf »

Le 47ème SketchCrawl a lieu le samedi 25 avril! Ça fait un bout de temps que l'on veut se faire le trio magique Palais de Tokyo / Palais Galliera / Musée d'art moderne. Il y a des expos pour tous les goûts et les lieux sont superbes notamment le Palais de Tokyo où il y a plein d'ambiances différentes à croquer. Il y a aussi des cafés au musée d'art moderne et au Palais de Tokyo.

On vous propose quelques RDV pour se retrouver:

11H : "café" au café (terrasse) du musée d'Art Moderne.
13H : "déjeuner" au café (terrasse) du musée d'Art Moderne.
17h : Drink and Draw au café (terrasse) du Palais de Tokyo.

Petites info complémentaires sur les lieux :

13, avenue du Président Wilson - 75 116 Paris / métro Iéna.
Palais de Tokyo : 12H à minuit ( > possibilité de café en fin de session)

Musée d'art moderne : 10H à 18H ( > possibilité de café en début de session)

Palais Galliera : 10H à 18H
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Re: Paris, France

Post by oludotunf »

The Paris edition of 47th World Wide SketchCrawl was splendid!

We had suggested three different locations, all within the same neighborhood: Musée d'art moderne, Palais de Tokyo and Palais Galliera. Each building on its own offered a large variety of subjects for sketching.

I arrived around 11am at the Musée d'art moderne and found some sketchers in the museum's café. Some were having a snack, others were busy, well, sketching. After a round of quick hellos, I took a tour of the museum in search of something interesting to draw.

I found the answer in Room 8. In fact, the answer was Room 8. Struck by how luminous it was, I decided to set up my stool there, along with Tula, who was already at work.

Salle 8, Musée d'Art Moderne by oludotunf, on Flickr

About two hours later, satisfied with the results of my efforts, I decided to head over to the Palais de Tokyo. I had never been there but had heard many wondrous things about this exhibition site. Needless to say, I was very eager for this discovery.

After getting a unexpected free pass at the entrance, I wandered from room to room on the ground floor of the building. There were certainly some interesting things, but none more appealing than the first one I saw after receiving my free pass. In all honesty, my fascination with this work occurred way before I arrived at Palais de Tokyo. I had seen Béatrice's take on the exhibit after she posted in the Paris Sketchers Flickr pool some weeks ago, and instantly found myself hooked. It became the inspiration for what I would sketch that afternoon.

Baitogogo, Henrique Oliveira by oludotunf, on Flickr

I got done in slightly less than four hours. And just before 5pm, which was the final rendez-vous of the day. And I was hungry, having skipped lunch. So I went over to the indoor café by the building entrance and reunited with a few sketchers who were already there. But we would not stay there for long, because there was not enough space to accommodate all of us (40 would be a rough estimate). Then someone hatched the brilliant idea to hang out at the terrace that occupied part of the space between the Musée d'art moderne and the Palais de Tokyo. So out we all went, with latecomers joining us, well, later.

We set up a few tables and chairs and some sketchers got to reviewing the sketchbooks of others. Other sketchers, drawn more to two young women (fashion models I heard they were) chatting away idly, sketched them while sitting on the steps that led to the tables and chairs. The remaining sketchers just stood by, sometimes talking among themselves, sometimes enjoying the moment alone (or so it seemed). With the sun setting and cool breeze passing through such a scenic location, the cadre was nothing short of excellent.

47th Worldwide SketchCrawl by oludotunf, on Flickr

47th Worldwide SketchCrawl by oludotunf, on Flickr

47th Worldwide SketchCrawl by oludotunf, on Flickr

It was a superb ending to yet another wonderful SketchCrawl in Paris! Many thanks to Marion, who organized the event!
Last edited by oludotunf on Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paris, France

Post by Joan T »

You had a great turnout of sketchers. Beautiful sketches from your day!
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Re: Paris, France

Post by Kim.M. »

Great write-up, I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing! :D And glad to see everyone had such a good day! :thumbup:
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Re: Paris, France

Post by Françoise »

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Re: Paris, France

Post by Stratica »

Image47e Sketchcrawl - Palais de Tokyo by stratica [sophie], on Flickr
In the Palais de Tokyo I chose to sketch this installation from the artist Tatiana Wolska, made from heat-welded red Badoit bottles. An impressive work about 11meters high. Marion did a very nice sketch of the same work. I wish she will post it on the forum !
Image47e Sketchcrawl - Palais de Tokyo by stratica [sophie], on Flickr
In the entrance of the same museum you can see this huge magnetic sphere of Takis.
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Re: Paris, France

Post by anagarciadepablo »

Bravo à toute le team!

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